Are you starting to look for a new car, but you have bad credit? Obtaining bad credit is not always your fault, and we believe that it shouldn’t hinder your ability to get the vehicle you’ve always wanted. Have you been feeling hopeless trying to find auto financing? Unfortunately, there are many banks and car dealerships that will turn down customers who are in this position, and will only take people with good credit. It may seem impossible to purchase a car if you don’t have the best credit, but we are here to change that.
Here at Good Fellow’s Auto Wholesalers we work with the top financing creditors to get you the best deals and interest rates. This allows us to offer you a flexible schedule, and allow you to pay monthly for your car. Even if you do not have good credit, we can offer you bad credit auto financing options no matter what. We have helped many clients with all different kinds of credit: no credit, bad credit, you name it! It is also good to know that making monthly payments will in turn help you re-build your credit, as long as you make sure to keep up with the payments. We know that purchasing a vehicle can be an overwhelming task, and can sometimes seem impossible due to the price. However, we want our clients to feel comfortable with the pricing, so we always give you the best possible deals and pricing.
If you come to our showroom, you will be pleased to see our wide selection of used cars to choose from. Our friendly staff are well-trained and dedicated to give you the best customer service, and ultimately make your experience with us a positive one. Therefore, if you are ready to take the plunge and get a car, please do not hesitate to contact Good Fellow’s Auto Wholesalers today at 1 (855) 581-9590 or 416-667-0007.